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Visiting the African

Spring Valley Coffee

Spring Valley Coffee Roastery - Meeting the Team

Spring Valley Coffee Roastery - Meeting the Team

Day 8 was the last day of the coffee trip to the origin. Before the group split up I took the chance to introduce them to my partner Ritesh, CEO of Spring Valley Coffee who introduced us to his roastery.

After a short introduction talk (and of course a great cup of coffee), Ritesh introduced us to the roasting team and the roasting processes. We had fruitful discussions between the roasters and interesting exchanges regarding the de-gassing processes.

After the group participants left I stayed at the Café to get to know some of the team members which were curious to get to know me and to learn more about the Ulinzi Africa Foundation and the ranger team.

Joined by Raabia Hawa the founder of the Ulinzi Africa Foundation and Honorary Warden of Kenya Wildlife Service we spent almost 2 hours together.

It was so motivating for me to see the engagement of Kingsley, Kevin and Rafael that we decided to repeat this session of introducing of Ulinzi Conservation Coffee’ purpose with an even bigger team.

The next day I met Salome (Finance), Ian (Barista and Spring Valley's Sustainability Ambassador), Ezekiel (Finance), Yvonne (Leadership Assistant), Joseph (Operations), Sharon (Sales – Supermarket accounts) and Esther (Sales -Retail accounts) and presented the slides which I prepared to introduce Ulinzi Conservation Coffee to the world during the Doing Good Doing Well Conference in February 2020 in Barcelona.


I very much enjoyed the time with the team trying to share my passion and the purpose of Ulinzi Conservation Coffee. Each Spring Valley employee is an embassador of the brand and the purpose of wildlife conservation behind our product!

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