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Kiptebes Society

Kiptebes Society

On day 3 we visited the Kiptebes Society, a society of several small-scale farmers. The day couldn’t start better as we decided to take motorbikes to get there!

One of the farmers invited us to his place and explained the farming and harvesting process, before we went to see the wet mill.

Chris took the time to share some information regarding green coffee quality topics with the farmers to support them increasing their quantities and quality. Starting with the right timing to add the manure to avoid “shells”, to the right processing techniques during the wet milling process to avoid “cuts”.

After that we attended a meeting of the society to directly get feedback from the farmers. Topics like challenging weather conditions, the coffee prices and the payment terms were covered. Overall, the farmers were grateful of the improving conditions – fast payments and better prices due to the direct trade (+30% of market price).

Of course we had to take  a group picture before leaving - to our surprise each one of us got a present, our own Maasai shuka.

The next blog post will be about the second half of this day, our visit to the Ol'ochoy farm and the steps from coffee cherry picking, to the drying process.

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