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Reports from the field 11/2020 & 12/2020

Reports from the field 11/2020 & 12/2020

Following my report from October I want to share the developments of November and December. With great sadness I need to inform you that a ranger lost his life in the line of duty.

01.11.20 Loss of a ranger
"Friends, I'm deeply saddened to share with you that one of the rangers I've worked alongside with for many years was killed yesterday.
The incident occurred during a regular patrol, where the rangers encountered a severely agitated elephant who charged. The elephant had a baby who had been caught in a snare and it was quite injured.
Sadly, the mum was protecting it and very aggressive, she reacted and killed one ranger on the spot.
His body was recovered and taken to mortuary, and the elephant calf rescued from the snare after the mother was anaesthezised by the vet.
My heart is heavy as I type this to you all.
I knew him for years, and we always joked around in camp. 😔💔 No words can describe this pain.
Just because of a snare. 😔💔💔"

21.11.20 Rescue and loss of a newborn Zebra

"Newborn zebra rescued this evening. Mother was weak since yesterday and couldn't be found all day today, zebra was found collapsed so the team rescued it.
Just spoken to the team. They are heading out to look for zebra mum. She was last seen in very bad condition likely to be severe exhaustion after birth. If found, they will try to reunite the foal and mum, but for tonight it's in camp to avoid risk of being attacked by poachers or hyena."


"Heartbroken to report the zebra foal passed on at about 2 am. 😔💔 Tried everything but it was too weak. Search ongoing to see if mama is alive and OK."

29.11.20 Human wildlife conflict - attempt to collar a lion

"Morning everyone, I just got a call from KWS a lion has been captured on a nearby ranch and they requested to release to our area where we can keep an eye on him.
We will hopefully be collaring him in order to do this.
I'll keep you updated."

"Hi everyone just to update you,
Unfortunately we couldn't secure a collar, none locally available only to order and earliest I can get it is Thursday. We can't keep the lion in cage for 4 days he will get stressed and hurt.
Turns out there is a better supplier for lion collars in South Africa so now I want to see if we can have one or two on standby. if we had a collar then he would have been released in our area of operation to ensure my team is nearby to monitor.
Sadly KWS HQ have orders for lion to go to Tsavo. He won't survive there but that is protocol. He will either get into a fatal territorial fight with other lions or will die of starvation. His chances of survival there I'm afraid are extremely low. It is a sad ending for him honestly and I'm heartbroken for him 😔💔.

On the plus side, it is heartening to know that our presence is felt and appreciated and KWS assistant director and I will now develop a protocol for Problem Animal Control in our area, identifying release sites for big cats where we are, and ensuring we have monitoring in place.
This shows they have confidence in us and lions will still have a home in their original indigenous habitat that continues to shrink under human pressure.
On another happy note, our lion has been interacting with some females and we now have cubs all over the place!"
I'm so glad we saved our lion. He would be dead by now had we not collared him."

02.12.20 Successful ambush against illegal logging

"Thank you guys so much for everything. Its past 2 am here my team just got back a while ago. Successful ambush with recovery if 2 bicycles, an axe, a saw, and a machete. Suspects ran away but they won't be back for a long time if at all."

10.12.20 Elephant tusk recovery

"Four suspected poachers are being held in custody following a sting operation that recovered at least 8 pieces of elephants tusks in north Kenya. Two young men tricked by KWS rangers posing as buyers to a location in where they were arrested with six pieces of tusks. The two were arraigned and released on Ksh 1.5 million{$15,000} cash bail.
Two men were intercepted while ferrying tusks on a motorbike. The arrests raises concerns and fears over renewed incidents of poaching albeit the government position that the vice has almost been contained."

14.12.20 Collared Lion rescued from snare

This picture are from Zimbabwe, not from our team but you will understand the advantages of the collared lion and the team nearby.

19.12.20 Al Shabaab crossing boarder to Kenya

"Security alert: According to police reports, dozens of Somalia's Al Shabaab militants were sighted crossing into Kenya at Amuma and Hemey regions of Garissa county to coordinate attacks. About 40 militants armed with AK-47s, three PKM machine guns and seven rocket-propelled grenade launchers fired several rounds in the air before crossing over in three separate groups. Police believe the groups may already have been assigned targets which include communication masts, probing camps and implanting explosives on the roads along the border region.  Due to the risk of Al Shabaab attacks, individuals are advised against travel to counties along Kenya's border with Somalia.
Very disturbing news just in. 😔 I'm freaking out. I hope we are not disrupted again like last December. Please pray for my teams safety.
I will monitor ground situation closely as I prepare to leave on Wednesday. 😔🙏🏼 Stupid people just ruin everything! 😔"

28.12.20 Snared Buffalo and Zebra treatment

"Dear friends,
Today has been a tough day for our team. The vet attended to another buffalo on  with a snare and successfully treated.
This morning my team found one zebra during the search for our snared buffalo. The zebra was in very poor condition, and underweight.
The vet arrived in the afternoon by which time a second zebra was seen with a large laceration under its belly , its entrails partly hanging out.
First zebra was given some medication and marked with colored spray for monitoring purposes.
Second zebra... 😔 Had stepped on its entrails, and part of them had been too badly damaged to repair.
KWS rangers were on site, and our zebra had to be sadly put down to end its misery. 😔💔
Buffalo ran with herd into forest and couldn't be darted. We will keep monitoring.
I will share the images later, but be warned... Its not an easy sight 😔
Feeling quite low and defeated.
Team the same.
Hope for a better day tomorrow.
What a loss."

29.12.20 Snared Zebra

"Morning friends. Another zebra seen with tight snare around neck now. The vet just arrived back in Tsavo so trying to see what we can do to get help. We will need long term solutions for delta. Sharing vet with Tsavo is challenging."

29.12.20 Arrest of bushmeat traders

"Two suspects arrested this morning in possession on 55kg of zebra meat."

30.12.20 Snare recovery

"3 large snares recovered this morning where the zebra was sighted in snare.
Zebra seen as well still in snare. Hoping vet arrives tomorrow."

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2 comentarios

gamesellru / Jun 09, 2021 at 05:57

vrosnogotOt / Jun 06, 2021 at 09:14

Вдруг читатель обнаруживает, что же личные ногтики превратились отслаиваются, возникла желтинка, чесотка, шелушение либо иные симптомы нездорового типа – стоит сконцентрировать заботливость в этого типа пластины, подобный характеристика действительно воспроизводит появление грибка по кожной ногтевой пластине, он выражается значительным стеснением, в случае если пропускать лечение такой инфекцию. За исключением грибок ногтей неоднократно реально повстречать реальностью воспаленного корня ногтя либо нагноение оболочки кругом места ноготка, целиком всяческие болезни ноготков имеют логичные корень.
Ими иногда быть простая Vros-Nogot.Ru несвежесть ног также упущение по публичных пространстве, где реально подцепить воспалением, впрочем все проблемы лечаться, в случае если вовремя спохватиться затем пройти направление проверенного лечения. Источник про болезни пяток и пальцев также ногтевой поверхностью как обрезать ноготь вросший в кожу – сайт, он вклюяается все темы касательно инфекций пальцев и обеспечивает интересными информацию, которые читатели имеют возможность задействовать в качестве информацию собственно по резолюции данного предмета. К тому же есть под всякой темой юзер сумеет видеть примечания и индивидуальный опыт ото пользователей с обнаруженным вопросе.

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